Not your average farmer's market, we want to step up the energy and quality!
We are actively seeking high quality – yet affordable – hand-crafted items, clothing, home goods, jewelry, baked goodies – the list is limitless!
Who doesn't love a food truck?!
It's a twofer for you: we'll provide the hungry visitors and vendors and you get to advertise your awesome culinary services!
Music elevates the whole affair, don't you think?
We want to showcase local talent! If you have enough material for a full set, contact us!
We are thrilled to invite applications from Vendors, Food Trucks & Musicians to The Redding Hive! Each event requires a separate application. We are specifically looking to support “local” businesses & artists.
To see if you are the right fit, shoot us an email at with a short description of what you do, a description of your business, and a picture of your setup.